Startup ei onnistu vahingossa – tiedosta land grab -kasvun riskit

Oletko koskaan katsonut Youtubesta, kuinka joku vetää alamäkipyörällä alas valtavalta kalliolta tyylikkäästi? Tai vapaakiipeilee pystysuoraa vuorenseinämää putoamatta? Luultavasti kyllä. Oletko videon nähtyäsi lähtenyt itse kokeilemaan samaa temppua? Tuskin.  Tosielämän hengenvaarallisissa tempuissa ymmärrät intuitiivisesti, että vaikean tempun tekijä on harjoitellut valtavan paljon, ennen kuin hän syöksyi pyörällä alas jyrkännettä ja purkitti sen videolle onnistuneesti. Kuinka [...]

How to build a successful product: the 14 principles of ease

“The recipe for a successful product is easiness. The product has to be easy to buy and easy to sell.” Hold on! The concept of ease is a good starting point for creating a successful product, but be careful not to take that advice at face value. Instead, ask what does ‘easiness’ actually mean [...]

The career advice I wish I had in my 20s

I’m an entrepreneur whose mission is to support new businesses and entrepreneurs to innovate for a better world. Before setting up my own company, Balandor, I’ve worked in numerous start-ups and SMEs. Over the course of my career I’ve had the privilege to cross paths with some incredible characters. My first boss Tapsa, the [...]

|2021-05-17T12:36:56+00:00toukokuu 17th, 2021|Career, english, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups|2 Comments

Start with the ‘who’

Success doesn’t come alone. Maybe you have just patented your invention, won a crucial bidding contest, or secured seed money for your business - still, success doesn’t come alone. Success always starts with people - you and the others. America’s new Vice President-elect Kamala Harris delivered a victory speech that will go down in [...]

|2020-11-24T11:51:35+00:00marraskuu 24th, 2020|english, Innovation, Leadership, Startups|1 Kommentti
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