Start-ups don’t succeed by chance – know the pitfalls of land grab growth strategy

Have you ever watched those YouTube videos of downhill mountain bikers shooting down a massive hill like it’s no big deal? Or free solo climbers casually scaling a vertical cliff without falling? You probably have. But have you ever then tried to replicate the same stunts yourself? Probably not. When you see someone performing [...]

|2021-06-24T12:07:37+00:00kesäkuu 23rd, 2021|english, Entrepreneurship, Startups|1 Kommentti

How to build a successful product: the 14 principles of ease

“The recipe for a successful product is easiness. The product has to be easy to buy and easy to sell.” Hold on! The concept of ease is a good starting point for creating a successful product, but be careful not to take that advice at face value. Instead, ask what does ‘easiness’ actually mean [...]

The career advice I wish I had in my 20s

I’m an entrepreneur whose mission is to support new businesses and entrepreneurs to innovate for a better world. Before setting up my own company, Balandor, I’ve worked in numerous start-ups and SMEs. Over the course of my career I’ve had the privilege to cross paths with some incredible characters. My first boss Tapsa, the [...]

|2021-05-17T12:36:56+00:00toukokuu 17th, 2021|Career, english, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups|2 Comments

Boom or bust? The chasm model will help, but first solve these two key questions

Will the start-up make it? Will the product innovation succeed? Boom, or bust – which will it be? The ‘chasm model’ developed by G.A. Moore (Crossing the Chasm) helps start-up businesses and tech innovators successfully take their product from one customer segment to the next. The model divides the target market into four customer [...]

|2021-01-04T10:38:54+00:00joulukuu 18th, 2020|english, Innovation, Investors, Startups|5 Comments

Start with the ‘who’

Success doesn’t come alone. Maybe you have just patented your invention, won a crucial bidding contest, or secured seed money for your business - still, success doesn’t come alone. Success always starts with people - you and the others. America’s new Vice President-elect Kamala Harris delivered a victory speech that will go down in [...]

|2020-11-24T11:51:35+00:00marraskuu 24th, 2020|english, Innovation, Leadership, Startups|1 Kommentti
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